Well, Jonathan still hasn't decided to start talking yet. Every now and then there's a pretty distinctive "dada" but other than that it's still mostly lots of noises and pointing and grunting (in hindsight I maybe should have not done my Tim Allen impersonation for Jonathan quite souch when he was younger). Anyhow, We figured since he won't he use words yet maybe he'll use signs. So we started (again) trying to teach him some basic signs. Within the span of only about two days we successfully taught him the sign for "more", as in he wants more food as opposed to be finished and ready to get down from him highchair.
Trouble is, we got our signs mixed up and didn't teach him the sign for "more", we taught him the sign for "eat/food". In the context of it's usage though they're pretty much interchangeable so I think we're ok. The funny thing is he doesn't hold his hand quite right so instead of putting his finger tips to him mouth he has his hand sideways as if to stifle a sneaze. (photo coming soon).
He also kinda uses it as "please" if you've got some food (or drink) that he wants some of -- last night I was fixing him a sippy of water (he won't drink anything else) and he ran up to me with this excitied look on his face and did his sign. I couldn't help but chuckle at him, it was pretty cute.