Having mastered the art of 3, and 2, and counting to 5 (he's mostly mastered counting to 10 as well), Jonathan has become pretty good at haggling. Mostly haggling over how many fruit snacks or stories he gets at bedtime, but pretty much anything that comes in quantities of five or less.
He'll hold up his hand, all five fingers stretched out, and say, "I want five fruit snacks daddy." I'll say, "no, two fruit snacks." He'll look at his hand for a second, fold one finger down (often with his other hand), and say, "four fruit snacks daddy." I'll say, "no, two fruit snacks." He'll look at his hand for a second, fold another finger down, and say, "phree fruit snacks daddy, I want phree fruit snacks." At that point I'll smile and say OK and get him some fruit snacks and he's all happy.
Replace fruit snacks in the above story with pretzels, bedtime stories, french fries, strawberries... and well, you get the idea. I think he gets it from his Mommy, haha.
Sweet Abby
My coworkers super beautiful baby girl. THanks for letting me photograph
12 years ago