Sunday, March 29, 2009


Tickle monster vs the Giggle Boy.

Jonathan has this game he likes to play with me, where I chase him around the house going "Raaawrrr!" and he giggles and squeals and runs around. And of course when I catch him I have to tickle him, and he giggles and squeals even more. I love the sound of his laughter, so I had to get it on video.

Happy Girl!

It's not often our little lady is in a good mood, so when she decided to smile for me for a bit Sunday afternoon, I had to grab the camera.


big grin!

Happy Girl!

Belly button lint

It's not just for Daddies.

Bellybutton lint!


Yep, that's a little ball of pink belly button lint she's got there. I discovered it while I was getting Julianna undressed for her bath today.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our Daughter Julianna's Baptism

Our Little Girl was Baptized on March 22 2009 in Fayetteville, AR. It was a wonderful ceremony and so many people came to see and support her. I am very thankful to Tawana & Leon for hosting such an event with all the people that showed up, and for the tremendous job on her christening gown. I am also very thankful that our dear friends Kyle & Ashley (our children's God parents) were able to make it as well. Another Big Thanks to God is that Julianna did not spit up on the gown which I was sure was going to happen. We were so worried about that one since I can't wear the same shirt for a full day. We also got to see some old friends Greg, Becky, & their children for dinner on Saturday. We truly had a wonderful time.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

5 hours!

That's right folks, last night a new World Record has been set for the number of consecutive hours of sleep, at night, by little girls named Julianna living in our house. 5 hours! For us, right now, that's huge. 4 hours and we count our blessings, 2.5-3 hours is par for the course. And when I left for work this morning, she was at 4 hours and counting, so it's possible we may have back to back records set today!!

So how did we achieve this feat of super baby sleeping? I wish I knew! We did however, at the recommendation of a friend of ours who swears by the stuff, give Julianna a dose of GasEx (yes, GasEx) before trying to get her down to sleep. You know (maybe) those little round liquicaps of GasEx? You poke a little hole in one and just squirt it in their mouth. Hopefully we've just found our silver bullet.