Monday, November 10, 2008

Grandma T's

We spent this past weekend going up to Fayetteville to visit my folks (Jonatha's Grandma T and Grandpa West) and to give them our old king bed. The beds in my and my sister's old rooms weren't the most comfortable things in the world, and they were rather, well, small, especially when you've gotten used to the space of a king size bed, and when you've got a kiddo that likes to sleep in bed with mommy and daddy when he doesn't feel good (how's that for a run-on sentence?). So, in an effort to make Grandma T's house a bit comfier for the burgeoning new West family, we commandeered my sister's old room (which has it's own bathroom), moved some furniture around, and upgraded it to a king bed! It worked out well too because Jonathan doesn't really like sleeping or napping in his pack-n-play and ended up sleeping in bed with us all night Friday night.

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Just before we left, Grandma T brought out an old little red coat that fit Jonathan just perfect, just as it had fit his daddy about 30 years ago.

Arkansas is cold daddy!



Tawana said...

He looked so cute in that little coat...just like you did so long ago. It was worth keeping it all these years to see him in it!
Mom -o-

Martha Cox said...

I love heirloom clothing! Becky just posted Zoey wearing her old clothes on her blog too!

We missed you today. The speaker was really good. You can listen to the podcast once they upload it.

Tales from Goshen said...

The boy is just cute. Stinkin cute. Give him a hug from us! I'd do it myself, but at the rate we're distributing pink eye, you don't want me to.