Monday, January 19, 2009

Ride the pony

One of Jennifer's Mommy friends recently had a birthday party for her son Wyatt at the Frisco Horse Park. I've driven past this place dozens and dozens of times over the years and never had any idea that it was anything more than a private sitting along side highway 121. We all had a great time there and I definitely think we'll be having a party for Jonathan there here in the next few years. In addition to horseback riding and pony rides they've also got one of those inflatable bounce houses and a small petting "zoo" with chickens, a turkey, goats, and sheep (just make sure you clean the soles of your shoes afterwards, haha).

Even though Jonathan is walking now most of the time, he still plops down on all fours every once and a while, and he still puts nearly everything in his mouth, so he was held the whole time we were in the petting zoo. He did get to pet a chicken though (I use the term "pet" loosely here because he mainly kept grabbing at the chicken's head) and he got to pet a goat, which he probably thought was a funny looking Husky.

Jonathan petting a goat

We also went to pet the big horses out by the stables. I'm not sure Jonathan knew what to think about the big horses though. At his age I'm sure I was a bit leery of those big funny looking critters too!


The highlight for us though was when Jonathan got to take a pony ride around the yard. I held on to him the whole time of course just in case, but he did great sitting in the saddle and really seemed to have fun.

Jonathan riding the pony pony ride
pony ride